Ninja Last Warrior

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Tentang game ini

The Dungeon Monster area must be passed by the last ninja to save themselves
then help him through the many areas that are the challenges of each level
in the game Ninja Last Warrior

starting from the land of green mountains, ice mountains, also sky areas and also underground which will be an interesting challenge
various monsters will hinder your journey but this ninja is very skilled at swords and throwing suriken so
can defend yourself, and if you are hit by an enemy attack you can be healed with fruit to improve your stamina

avoid the ravine area because once you fall you will immediately lose and repeat to your last point
also each level besides being hampered by enemy monsters you will also race against the time that has been determined so that you can get out of the area of ​​the monsters you are facing

collect your gold coins so you can buy new characters because there is a hunter who will replace you on the way
with a large body and expert with a knife

the features used in this game are very easy to use
The suriken that is used is very limited so don't waste it and on the way you can find additional suriken if it runs out

let's play the exciting game Ninja Last Warrior to help this ninja
This exciting game is free to use
Diupdate pada
16 Okt 2023

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