Toilet Adventure Suvival

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Tentang game ini

exciting adventure game Toilet Adventure Survival with an attractive 2D style
as well as challenges that will make you even more curious and interested in this one game

this game describes a toilet adventure that must pass through several areas of the dungeon as well as in each
the dungeon area has several levels, Mr. The toilet will always be confronted by monsters that are always on
threatens him but he has a legendary sword that can be used to protect himself as well
he can shoot the contents of his stomach for long-range attacks

the exciting game Toilet Adventure Suvival is equipped with easy-to-use buttons and a comfortable sound
at the time of adventure and if you have completed your level or dungeon area
later it will be saved so you can continue your adventure casually in your time

Features and how to play this game
-Our first display will be a start menu to start the game. You can mute the sound if you want it to be quiet while playing
-And then you are shown the area of ​​your adventure dungeon
-if you just started the dungeon adventure area will open only once, finish that area then the other areas open one by one
-after selecting the dungeon area we will select the level and level of the open area sequentially
-And immediately can play
-MR toilet has HP so you have to be careful with monsters that attack you by jumping and using a legendary sword or also by eviscerating them
-forward and backward according to your needs but remember your goal is to finish your adventure level
Diupdate pada
23 Jul 2023

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