Sweet Dating App: Love&Romance

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Simplify Your Sweet Dating Life!

Ready to go on romantic dates?
Sweet is here to help you find romance and meet your true love.

Join the fast-growing dating app and go on romantic dates with singles in your area!

- Romantic Chats
- Safe and Confidential
- You Have 100% Control of Your Dating and Love Life

Dating Has Never Been Easier:

1. Swipe through 20 profiles a day, meet people who are also looking for romantic dates, and find your true love easily.
2. There’s someone you like? Like them secretly: they won’t find out, unless you are mutually interested in each other!
3. When you've both liked each other, you can chat freely and get to know the cutie on the other end.
4. Find dates faster & better: use "Flirts" and stand out!
5. Sweet was designed on the basis of mutual opt-in: you’ll never receive any rude messages from someone you did not like.

Downloading Sweet and using the service is completely free! The “Flirt” feature is optional and allows you to stand out to the people nearby.

~ If you're looking for true love and romance, you've found the right dating app! ~

Swipe, discover, and chat with other cute singles who happen to be unique, special, and cute, just like you.

Join cute singles on Sweet today! Find true love now and start your romantic dating life!
Diupdate pada
5 Jul 2024

Keamanan Data

Keamanan dimulai dengan memahami cara developer mengumpulkan dan membagikan data Anda. Praktik privasi dan keamanan data dapat bervariasi berdasarkan penggunaan, wilayah, dan usia Anda. Developer memberikan informasi ini dan dapat memperbaruinya seiring waktu.
Aplikasi ini dapat membagikan jenis data ini kepada pihak ketiga
Lokasi, Info pribadi, dan 2 lainnya
Aplikasi ini dapat mengumpulkan jenis data berikut
Lokasi, Info pribadi, dan 6 lainnya
Data dienkripsi saat dalam pengiriman
Anda dapat meminta agar data dihapus

Rating dan ulasan

2,08 rb ulasan
Giovani Tin
9 Mei 2020
Jangan di download, rugi buang2 kuota gak bisa daftar, mau daftar pakai FB gak bisa di katakan: Aplikasi ini masih dalam masa pengembangan. Kalo bikin aplikasi yg jelas jangan merugikan orang lain
8 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Pengguna Google
24 September 2018
Di perbagus lagi yaa aplikasinya biar banyak yang download app ini terus bisa di recommended ke semua orang
14 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Rahmat Ansori
6 Juli 2020
Aplikasi ini penipu cari untung lewat download...ga bisa di login/buka
4 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?

Yang baru

Fixed bugs, improved performance, and made the app a whole lot prettier than before! ; )

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xoxo, the SWEET Team