Agus Rohendi
- Tandai sebagai tidak pantas
lumayan bagus sih gamenya cuma masih suka ngelag pas di bagian akhir permainan. dan juga tempatnya di situ situ aza jadi bosan juga klo gak ganti ganti tempat. klo bisa perbaiki lagi boz klo pengen ditambah bintangnya..😌😎
28 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Greetings, thank you for playing Jewel Legacy! We apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced while playing the game. Thank you for your feedback, and we will try to correct any inconvenience as soon as possible. If you have any other problems, please contact us through the customer centre. Best Regards.
Satria Skw
- Tandai sebagai tidak pantas
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Jelek, udh di update, malah ga bener, msa mau lanjutin permainan sy pke koin, malah kembali ke awal,,,,, 😡😡😡😡
33 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Greetings, thank you for playing [Jewel Legacy]! We apologize for the inconvenience of playing the game. If you give us the details through the customer center, we will process them as soon as possible. Best Regards.