Shroomify - USA Mushroom ID

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Tentang aplikasi ini

Identify Fungi Fast with Shroomify. A must for mushroom identification.

Mushroom ID made easy, by selecting the characteristics of the fungi you would like to identify the in-app algorithms work out the most likely matches.

You can also view the 'Top 20' of the month which lists all the common Fungi you can find in the month you are in.

If you are a keen mushroom forager / hunter then there's lots of useful info, including the edibility of all mushrooms listed and a list of good edible mushrooms that grow in your country.

The app comes pre-loaded with over 400 common Fungi and over 1000 images.

When you open the app your position is used to load a relevant dataset to show just the mushrooms that occur in your country or region. Graphs and country ranking are also shown for each individual fungi to help you see how common it is and when in the year it is most common.
Diupdate pada
24 Mar 2024

Keamanan Data

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Rating dan ulasan

5,24 rb ulasan

Yang baru

Fixed bug for German observations and improved mushroom ranking

Dukungan aplikasi

Tentang developer
Simon Grogan
3, Hillside View Brandon Road RUGBY CV23 0LA United Kingdom