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Tentang aplikasi ini

Xplorin.com together with the Xplorin mobile platform is owned and operated by the Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (“ITDC”) Group of Companies and its affiliated Company, PT ITDC Nusantara Xplorin (“Xplorin” or “We”). Xplorin was established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia with a Tourism Business Registration Certificate issued by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta No. 13/Y.1/31.71.06/-1.858.8/2019 dated March 12, 2019, we provide websites and platforms available for iOS and Android (“platforms”), as well as various media, and other platforms that will be available in the future day

XPLORIN app benefits:
1. Provides a new experience in exploring tourist destinations by informing users about recommended places curated by locals.
2. Explore the city and discover hidden destinations with local wisdom .
3. Find the best transportation to reach your desired destination.
4. Shop for all the supplies and equipment to suit your trip.
Diupdate pada
24 Feb 2023

Keamanan Data

Keamanan dimulai dengan memahami cara developer mengumpulkan dan membagikan data Anda. Praktik privasi dan keamanan data dapat bervariasi berdasarkan penggunaan, wilayah, dan usia Anda. Developer memberikan informasi ini dan dapat memperbaruinya seiring waktu.
Tidak ada data yang dibagikan kepada pihak ketiga
Pelajari lebih lanjut cara developer menyatakan pembagian data
Aplikasi ini dapat mengumpulkan jenis data berikut
Lokasi dan ID perangkat atau lainnya
Data dienkripsi saat dalam pengiriman

Yang baru

Bug fixes