Eka Care: Records, Trackers

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Tentang aplikasi ini

Eka Care is a Personal Health Record (PHR) app designed to help you store and manage your medical reports and body vitals. It allows you to share medical records with doctors, book hospital appointments, and securely store your health records in a government-approved PHR app. Additionally, Eka Care offers the convenience of monitoring your heart rate without the need for a smartwatch, checking your health through AI-powered self-assessments, and effortlessly tracking essential body vitals, including blood pressure (BP) and blood sugar levels.

1. Personal Health Record (PHR) and Medical Records
Eka Care excels in providing a comprehensive Personal Health Records (PHR) app that helps you maintain detailed medical and health records. This includes storing prescriptions, health and medical reports, vaccine certificates, and more. The app allows you to create individual health profiles for each family member, facilitating seamless management of all members' medical and health records within a single application. These meticulously maintained records are instrumental in monitoring your health history, facilitating early diagnosis of health issues, and can be effortlessly shared with healthcare professionals to ensure efficient and accurate healthcare management.

2. Heart Rate Monitor
Eka Care's heart rate monitor allows for precise measurement of your heartbeat using just your smartphone camera. You no longer need a smartwatch or a separate handheld device to assess your heart health. The monitor automatically saves your daily measurements and generates a detailed heart history for your reference. You can also set up reminders to measure your heart rate based on your preferences.

3. Vitals Monitor & Trackers
You can monitor your vitals on Eka Care by uploading medical and health records. Vital information such as blood pressure, sugar levels, cholesterol, and more will be automatically tracked over time. You can also manually add data and sync with devices like Health Connect and Google Fit. Additionally, we offer specialized trackers for glucose, blood pressure, and menstrual cycles to help you manage your health effectively..

Awards and Recognition:
Shortlisted by Google Play as an 'Essential App' for Wellness.
Diupdate pada
30 Okt 2024

Keamanan Data

Keamanan dimulai dengan memahami cara developer mengumpulkan dan membagikan data Anda. Praktik privasi dan keamanan data dapat bervariasi berdasarkan penggunaan, wilayah, dan usia Anda. Developer memberikan informasi ini dan dapat memperbaruinya seiring waktu.
Aplikasi ini dapat membagikan jenis data ini kepada pihak ketiga
Info pribadi, Kesehatan dan kebugaran, dan 4 lainnya
Aplikasi ini dapat mengumpulkan jenis data berikut
Lokasi, Info pribadi, dan 8 lainnya
Data dienkripsi saat dalam pengiriman
Anda dapat meminta agar data dihapus

Rating dan ulasan

82,5 rb ulasan

Yang baru

Your health journey just got better with the latest release of Eka Care! We're delighted to bring you this update, incorporating numerous enhancements and performance optimizations. Count on us to provide a top-notch experience as you #PrioritizeHealth. Thank you for choosing Eka Care!

Dukungan aplikasi

Tentang developer
VILLA NO 28,WINDMILLS OF YOUR MIND,PLOT NO-331/A Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066 India
+91 94602 51279

Lainnya oleh Eka Care: Heart Rate, ABHA, Medical Records, PHR