
195 umsagnir
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Calc is just a calculator that calculates for you.

Calc is absolutely free and without any advertising. The application provides a display with capacity of 12 digits, which gives you the opportunity to work with very large or small quantities with great accuracy. For your convenience, Calc provides a record of the current mathematical expression with all operations at the top of the display. Calculator performs arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, all that is necessary for standard computing.

Calc is designed in a realistic and convenient for the user way. The keys are performed in different contrasting colors in order to identify different groups of key functionality. Also, the usable vibration response system is applied, which allows to perceive the key type with a touch. This was all done to make things convenient for you, so you do not notice the difference between your phone and a real calculator.

Calc is compatible with all Android devices, starting with version 2.2.

Should you have any suggestions or comments, please, feel free to contact me:

Sincerely Yours,
17. mar. 2024


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Artem Hetmanenko
street Makkeina Dzhona, build 16A 46 Kyiv місто Київ Ukraine 01001