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alveoMD is the nextgen tool for healthcare professionals to measure the lung health of their patients by using an alveoair digital spirometer.

alveoMD is designed to work with an alveoair spirometer and goto tool for health care practitioners, physicians, nurses, caregivers to perform spirometry tests and manage patients with comprehensive clinical data management.

alveoair spirometer is designed and developed in India with utmost accuracy like other high-cost spirometers. Integration of alveoMD and alveoair comes with the following features:

- Conduct standard spirometry and measure FVC, FEV1, Ratio, and PEF.
- Generate spirometry PDF reports
- Ability to perform pre-post spirometry analysis
- GLI equations are used to provide results depending on the height, age, gender, and ethnicity of the patient.
- Diagnosis, Problem, and Allergy documentation
- Comprehensive management of patient medications
- Full loop test
- Spirometry Pre Post Report
- Z score and LLN are included in the spirometry report.
- Performed spirometry test grading.
25. okt. 2024


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