Neivor: Home payments and more

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Download Neivor, the app that simplifies your life in community!

In Neivor we offer smart solutions for property managers. Give transparency to your condominium financial management, find out what is happening in your building without needing to be there, have transparent and direct communication with other stakeholders such as security guards, and more! Live in a smart community with Neivor, the one stop shop for community living.

Neivor is the app that every residents needs to have. It maintains direct communication between security guards, residents and administrators, due to its friendly technology with the sole objective to offer better quality of life

Why download it?

Get firsthand control and monitoring information about the condominium projects. Download financial information and reports on the progress of condominium renovations.

Trust that your balances will be in order thanks to the allocation of unique CLABE accounts for each unit, making payment control easier.

Grant access to your guests without them waiting at the security checkpoint. Neivor allows you to create QR codes to share with your visitors for access to the condominium.

Receive notifications about the tracking of your packages from the front desk.

Answer the intercom through the app; you won't have to share your phone number or other personal information. Plus, you can communicate with the administrator or security guard even when you're not at home.

Become part of a smarter community, request Neivor with your administrator.
10. okt. 2024


Öryggi hefst með skilningi á því hvernig þróunaraðilar safna og deila gögnunum þínum. Persónuvernd gagna og öryggisráðstafanir geta verið breytilegar miðað við notkun, svæði og aldur notandans. Þetta eru upplýsingar frá þróunaraðilanum og viðkomandi kann að uppfæra þær með tímanum.
Engum gögnum deilt með þriðju aðilum
Nánar um yfirlýsingar þróunaraðila um deilingu gagna
Engum gögnum safnað
Nánar um yfirlýsingar þróunaraðila um gagnasöfnun

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