Math Game - Speedy calcs

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Informazioni sul gioco

Math Game - Speedy Calcs is an exciting and challenging math game for all ages!

Learn math with fun and interactive exercises!

Choose from three difficulty levels to match your child's age and ability.

Speedy Math will help your child master basic math skills, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and counting.

With engaging graphics and motivating rewards, Speedy Math will keep your child engaged and motivated while they learn.

Download Speedy Math today and give your child a head start in math!


* Three difficulty levels for all ages
* Engaging graphics and motivating rewards
* Highscores to track your progress
* Achievements to celebrate your accomplishments
* Cross-platform play with friends and family

Download Speedy Math today and start learning math with fun!
Ultimo aggiornamento
13 dic 2022

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