Battle of the Numbers

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Informazioni sul gioco

Here is such an exciting game, “The Battle of the Numbers”!

- Register with 3 cards! (Only ‘plus’ is available)
To get what you want above 0 to 99, register with three cards.
Make multiples of 10 with 3 cards!! What card should be used to make the number you want? Use three above six. Lots of ways to register, lots of combinations with three left cards. Which will lead you to victory?

Register before opponents do it! Make them embarrassed. They may be disturbed by your choice.

- Do not relieve until the game ends!
Competition begins each round to get a good number. But still, you cannot feel easy. You may lose your numbers in the next round. Make the same number twice if you want to keep it. But would it be beneficial to me if I used two chances on one move? or disadvantageous?
After all rounds, a new strategic war begins.

- Don’t forget the special functions of each number!
Don’t feel too easy even though you made a big number. If it’s a multiple of 2, opponents can delete with ‘2’. Be careful even if you make ‘3’ when opponents have lots of multiples of 3. Opponents can make 0 to delete 2 or 3. Before winning, don’t be careless! Make the biggest prime number. It’s favorable since it can avoid other attacks.

Can every child be good at math?
Can every child like math?
Can every child calculate quickly and accurately?
Can every child feel easy to make formulas?
Can every child focus and think persistently by themselves?

The perfect answer for all the questions above is “The Battle of the Numbers”!
Teachers and parents join first.
Enjoy with your children. Experience super quick calculation and incredible judgment!

Don’t be surprised by the great concentration of your children on this Math game!
Don’t be surprised by children making formulas by themselves.

The end of the game leads to a new start.
Enroll in the math game with super fun!

- Be ready for the contest!
Official game will be held just like chess. Join contest mode and participate in the event!

- Madeby.
Concent Edu, Inc. founded to make an off-line board game for math education. Producing and selling not only ‘The battle of the numbers’, but also ‘Bibinggo’, ‘Number let’s go’, ‘Play the Force’ which are all board games for math&science education. The main purpose is not to just educate, but to make children naturally learn and enjoy math and science.
Ultimo aggiornamento
14 mag 2024

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