Yuni Memo

Contiene annunci
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Informazioni su questa app

Un'interfaccia semplice ed intuitiva che permette di fotografare gli oggetti presi in prestito.
(oggetti prestati, oggetti presi in prestito, prestiti bibliotecari, denaro, o quant'altro)
▶ Non perdono mai i vostri oggetti preziosi prestati!
▶ Non dimenticate mai di restituire gli oggetti che sono stati presi in prestito!
❀ Yuni Memo: un programma che torna a me!

| Applicazione completa gratuita
| (Piccola bandiera discreta di annunci di Google in basso)

For each exchange, you might want to
★ Pick one of your Google contacts
★ Add a reminder to your Google calendar
★ Add a title & a comment

Then manage your exchanges:
✔ Check all your exchanges summarized by cards
✔ Sort exchanges by type (Loans, Borrowings...)
✔ Find an exchange by using an integrated filter
✔ Edit an exchange by long-clicking on the card
✔ Close an exchange by clicking on the card
✔ View or Delete passed exchanges
☺ Comfortable Material Design user interface
☺ Backward Compatibility From Android 2.3.3
☺ Translations in 12 languages

| Privacy Policy & Features for each rights required
\ _______________________________________________
  Because I like applications which do not require too many rights on our devices and which clearly explain the reason why, here's a little manifest detailing the 4 permissions required by this application, the reasons, and commitments for each right you grant.

1▶ Storage: update / delete your device external SD card content.
Allows this application to be installed to / moved to / uninstalled from SD card.
     Allows to store pictures of your friends and / or objects into your device external SD card.
     Commitment: This application does not access any other information on your device storages.
2▶ Internet Access: required by google advertising mini banner at the bottom of the screen.
     Commitment: except for advertising, this application doesn't send any information to Internet.
3▶ Physical Controls: In order to use the camera to take pictures of properties & friends.
     The application stores your photos on your camera (SD), and are accessible only by it.
     If you uninstall the app, all photos will be lost forever!
     Commitment: This application takes pictures at your request and only at your request.
     Commitment: This application does not support video.

4▶ & Contact Access: In order to pick a contact & add a reminder to your calendar
Commitment: This application does not access to any other personal information.

| Special Thanks To

★ Véronique Gernigon for the original concept
★ 琳属殊 -Linchouchou for chinese translation
★ Peter Lienerth for german translation
★ Atefeh Hassanieh for persian & arabic translation
★ Maria Torkhova for russian translation
★ Liuda Fluder for Lithuanian translation
★ Francesco De Angelis for Italian translation
★ Maria Clara Silveira Corrêa Kuyven for Portuguese translation
★ Our 12 beta-testers with their different devices
Ultimo aggiornamento
20 apr 2016

Sicurezza dei dati

Alla base della sicurezza c'è la comprensione di come gli sviluppatori raccolgono e condividono i tuoi dati. Le misure di protezione della privacy e della sicurezza dei dati potrebbero variare in base all'utilizzo, all'regione e all'età. Lo sviluppatore ha fornito queste informazioni e potrebbe aggiornarle nel tempo.
Nessun dato condiviso con terze parti
Scopri di più sulla modalità di condivisione dei dati dichiarata dagli sviluppatori
Nessun dato raccolto
Scopri di più sulla modalità di raccolta dei dati dichiarata dagli sviluppatori


Version 2.4
★ Performance enhancement (Image loading)
★ New soft transition while swiping between views
▶ Fixed camera preview orientation on some devices like Google Pixel C tablet
▶ Fixed camera autofocus not being used on some devices
☺ Fixed no need for agenda autorisation being asked if already refused by user
☺ Many other little fixes like closing drawer menu if opened when back pressed