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Informazioni su questa app

Here you will find thousands of poems, by many famous poets, every time you do a search, a random poem returns.
Discover poetry that goes beyond words with our app made for literature lovers! If you are passionate about poems, you will find a virtual haven full of inspiration. Browse thousands of poems from different authors and eras, exploring the richness of artistic expression in each search.
Let yourself be enveloped by the magic of words and discover new emotional horizons with each random poem. Whether you are a classical or modern poetry enthusiast, our app embraces literary diversity, offering an enriching experience.
Share the verses that resonate with you most on social media, connecting with other poetry lovers around the world. Be prepared to lose yourself in the depths of poetic emotion and discover a new favorite poem with each search. Download now and let poetry transform your moments into literary works of art!
Ultimo aggiornamento
27 dic 2023

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