- 地域占領バトル(3 vs. 3):接点区域を味方の地域として占領すればするほど勝利に近づきます。 - バトルロイヤル(1 vs. 多):Free for allで計8人でスタートし、最後の1人が勝利を手にします。 - 決闘(1 vs. 1):1対1対決で、コントロールと実力だけで対決を繰り広げられます。 (モードは持続的にアップデートされます。)
Greetings from SMASH LEGENDS! We’ve taken note of your feedback and will relay it to our developer team for future consideration. We appreciate your input and hope you stay with us as we improve the game!
Greetings from SMASH LEGENDS! We're glad to hear that you're enjoying our game! We hope you stick around in the future for more fun! If you have any questions about the game, please let us know via [in-game Settings > Others > Support]. Thank you!
Greetings from SMASH LEGENDS! We appreciate your feedback about our Legends' balance. We'll make sure to continue working on the optimization of the game so that we can provide our players the most enjoyable gaming experiences. If you have any other questions, please let us know via [in-game Settings > Others > Support]. Thanks!