The Modern Solutions Application is aimed at Educators (Managers and Teachers) with the aim of assisting in launching simulation answers and monitoring student results to intervene where necessary. Also available for students, who seek to carry out activities online and view their results.
The project aims to develop the skills and competencies assessed
in national exams (SAEB/Prova Brasil), state and municipal exams. The project books are made up of lessons prepared based on the Saeb Reference Matrix, which focus on fluency and reading competence in Portuguese and in Mathematics on mastery of calculation strategies and mathematical competence. It also offers periodic simulations, the results of which can be analyzed through this application, enabling the monitoring of students' progress and specific interventions throughout the academic year.
The application's use of VPN aims to allow mobile data communication through your operator's chip, without being charged for the data transmitted. The VPN is only available for app data traffic during use, including:
- view of the school calendar.
- visualization of evidence.
- submission of student grades.
- checking notes.
- visualization of digital books by the student and teacher.
The VPN is not used for data traffic on third-party services outside Soluções Moderna.