Classic Tri Peaks Solitaire

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7,76 мың пікір
100 м.+
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Скриншот кескіні
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Скриншот кескіні
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Ойын туралы ақпарат

Tri Peaks Solitaire is one of the most popular single player card games, invented in the 90s!

Join the fun enjoyed by millions of Tri Peaks players worldwide with this gorgeous, HD version of the famous patience card game!
♤ Our version of free Tri Peaks Solitaire is designed for all screen sizes and resolutions, but it really shines on high resolution and larger tablet screens!

♤ We have worked hard to create one of the most enjoyable and visually pleasing Tri Peaks Solitaire card games, especially developed for Android.
♤ It has 3 different card decks for tablets and phones for better visual clarity and a more enjoyable Tri Peaks Solitaire game.


This is the Classic Tri Peaks Solitaire you're used to from other platforms.

Here are the main things you'll get from our Solitaire:

♣ Classic gameplay with 2 extra deals
♣ No time pressure, score is unaffected by how long it takes to solve the board
♣ Limited undo, depending on your level
♣ Bonus wild card
♣ Sound effects
♣ Tap on the card on the board, and it will fly to the stock if it's a valid move
♣ Share your score via e-mail, facebook, twitter or any other option
♣ Submit your score to the online charts and show your friends or foes who's the Tri Peaks Solitaire Master
♣ Show off your Tri Peaks card game chops by unlocking various achievements (awards)
♣ Your tri peaks solitaire game is automatically saved when interrupted, continue where you left off

This tripeaks solitarie card game is ad supported, fully featured - it displays some advertisements when connected to the internet.
Play Tri Peaks Solitaire now for FREE!
Жаңартылған күні
2024 ж. 14 ақп.

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Бұл қолданба осы дерек түрлерін үшінші тараптармен бөлісуі мүмкін
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Бұл қолданба осы дерек түрлерін жинауы мүмкін
Қолданба туралы ақпарат және өнімділік және Құрылғы немесе басқа идентификаторлар
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Бағалар мен пікірлер

5,68 мың пікір


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