Scuba and Skydiving Logbook

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Скриншот кескіні
Скриншот кескіні
Скриншот кескіні
Скриншот кескіні
Скриншот кескіні
Скриншот кескіні
Скриншот кескіні

Осы қолданба туралы

Ultimate Logbook has been developed by extreme sports enthusiasts who traveled the world for years and know how challenging it is to carry all your logbooks with you, constantly trying to keep them up to date and in good nick.
We designed this app to have all logbooks in one place, allow for fast data entry and at the same time keeping track of licenses, gear use, experience, skills and much more.
Supported activities are
- Skydiving (USPA SIM 3-1 Compliant) 🪂
- Paragliding 🪂
- Scuba diving 🤿
- Speed flying/riding 🪂
- B.A.S.E. 🪂
- Indoor Skydiving (coming soon)
- Hang-gliding (coming soon)
- Fixed wing / Helicopter (coming soon)
- and more are planned

There are many features already available and many more planned for future updates.
Here are some of the highlights of what is already available:
- Import logbook entries from app “Skydiving Logbook” via xml file, including locations, gear and signatures 👈🏼
- Create multiple logbooks per activity and give them a name, color and background image
- Optionally enter log count and time from previous logbook
- Log entry number (jump/flight/dive #) is given dynamically, so if you ever forget to log something no problem. When you add an older entry, numbers are adjusted accordingly. No more scribbled entries or tipex.
- create new paragliding/speedflying log entry from IGC file (e.g. XCTrack tracklog) via sharing or import and replay and analyze with the build-in Track Viewer 💥
- signing log entries with signature (optional)
- signing log entries via QR code from other app users (optional) ✍🏼
- add participants via QR code from other app users (skydiving)
- quick access bubbles of the most used altitudes, locations, aircraft types etc., to allow fast entries
- log entries can be marked as work and/or training
- adding a payload, which can be a customer, with weight, pay rate and currency
- maneuvers practiced (paragliding)
- statistic charts and heatmaps (constantly adding more) 📊
- manage your licenses with the option to attach photos of front and back; licenses can then be used to sign other app users log entries via QR code
- manage your gear and automatically keep track of jumps/flights/dives etc. on each item
- create gear templates (collection of components like harness, wing, reserve, BCD etc.)
- create log entries for different timezone (if you'd create a log entry for a different timezone as your device is in at the moment; e.g. you are in Canada but you log a flight you had done last week when you were in New Zealand)
- automatic backup functionality, keeping your logs safe, with the option to export backup to Google Drive etc.
- export individual logbooks as csv file

Join us on Telegram for tutorials, support and discussions. 💬
Жаңартылған күні
2024 ж. 03 шіл.

Дерек қауіпсіздігі

Қауіпсіздік ұғымы әзірлеушілердің деректеріңізді қалай жинап, бөлісетінін түсінуден басталады. Дерек құпиялығы мен қауіпсіздік шаралары қолданбаңыздың пайдаланылуына, аймағыңыз бен жасыңызға байланысты әртүрлі болуы мүмкін. Бұл ақпаратты әзірлеуші ұсынды және оны өзгертіп тұруы мүмкін.
Үшінші тараппен ешбір дерек бөлісілмейді.
Әзірлеушілердің деректерді бөлісу бойынша мәлімдемесі туралы толық ақпарат алыңыз.
Деректер жиналмады.
Әзірлеушілердің деректерді жинау бойынша мәлімдемесі туралы толық ақпарат алыңыз.


- corrected spelling errors (Thank you Dan!)
- minor design and layout changes
- minor fixes and improvements