Bookster: Books in 15 Minutes

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앱 정보

Discover a new path to success and personal growth with Bookster! The best books and podcasts in just 15 minutes each, designed to improve your habits and personal well-being.

Are you short on time to read personal development and health books? We created Bookster to help you level up your learning, allowing you to absorb knowledge quickly and effectively, as if you were taking mental notes of each book you read.


- More than 350 book summaries, podcasts, TED Talks and much more, so you can continue developing new habits.
- Listen, read or do both at the same time, integrating knowledge into your daily life as if it were a personal journal.
- Action plans designed to help you apply what you have learned and reach a new level of knowledge.
- Free coins for learning and when you claim your daily gift.
- Play with knowledge, test what you have learned in our trivia and continue earning rewards.
- Turn your coins into real prizes that you can easily claim, just like winning at bingo.


- The quality and depth of our expert-created summaries.
- How our books have helped them improve their daily habits and personal growth.
- The ability to keep a mental record of what they've learned and put it into practice.
- The challenges and prizes for participating in trivia, making learning more fun.


“Bookster leverages modern learning habits to drive positive results.” - Forbes.


Getting started is easy. Download Bookster and sign up for a free 3-day trial with unlimited access. When you're ready, choose a monthly or annual plan.

With Bookster Premium, you'll get access to:

- Unlimited library of audio and text books.
- Huge daily coin prizes and exclusive rewards for premium users.

If you choose Bookster Basic, you'll enjoy 4 free books per week. Download Bookster today and take your learning to the next level!

Read our terms and conditions at
업데이트 날짜
2024. 10. 31.

데이터 보안

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금융 정보
앱에서 수집할 수 있는 데이터 유형
개인 정보, 앱 활동 외 2개 항목
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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 4.64천개

새로운 기능

Bookster is now available in English!