Farm In One: Farm Management

콘텐츠 등급
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지

앱 정보

✓ Integrates with existing irrigation systems. Irrigation technology is continuously being improved with precise monitoring & control possible for any type and size of farming enterprise.

✓ Remotely monitor, control, and manage irrigation pumps, valves, flow rates, pressure and variable drive motors. It's a feature that also enables the use of third-party devices such as our mobile farm app to collect data and give you remote control and monitoring access to your pumps, tanks, and valves.

✓ Irrigation Automation saves wages, time, and energy and increases farm productivity. It also enables you to have access to the status of multiple systems, manage fertigation control system, set up an internal product inventory, generate reports for fertilizer products, and irrigation water usage.

✓ Save water with irrigation control - only water when and where you need it helping you to achieve maximum productivity from the water you apply. This also enables you to have irrigation monitoring and set different irrigation schedules and irrigation shifts

✓ Gain control and economy on your fertilizer applications and fertigation. Combined with monitoring, irrigation automation contributes to the profitability and sustainability of any farming operation.

✓ Improve crop performance by analyzing crop and irrigation data to establish best practices. Our Monitoring Data feature has a custom-designed dashboard that provides access to different control systems used by multiple electronic devices such as sensors and probes, that can show which systems are on and off.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 10. 23.

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새로운 기능

- Various improvements to UI and Performance.

앱 지원

개발자 소개
+64 22 675 9918