John Mambo: Arcade Game

광고 포함
리뷰 117개
콘텐츠 등급
스크린샷 이미지
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게임 소개

🎮 Dive into an intense arcade adventure with John Mambo. 🎮

🔫 In this thrilling action game, you'll take control of John Mambo, a brave hero who faces waves of enemies in unique and vibrant settings.

🎨 Each level is hand-drawn in a stunning pixel art style, creating a visually captivating experience.

⚔️ Get ready to shoot, dodge, and fight your way through levels filled with challenges and adrenaline.

🖌️ 6 Hand-Drawn Levels: Explore meticulously designed levels, crafted with love and attention to detail in breathtaking pixel art.

🎮 Gamepad Support: Enjoy a seamless gaming experience with full gamepad compatibility.

Join John Mambo and fight your way through enemies in a nostalgic arcade-style journey! 🔥🕹️

🔥 The action awaits! 🔥
업데이트 날짜
2024. 5. 16.

데이터 보안

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 114개

새로운 기능

🎮 Gamepad Support Added

Dive deeper into your gaming experience with full gamepad support! To ensure a seamless gameplay experience, please connect your gamepad 🕹️ before launching the game. (Disclaimer: Gamepad must be connected prior to starting the game for it to be recognized.)

🐊 Crocodile Bug Fixed! We hope... 🙏🏼

🛎️ New UI Button to make Mambo roll easier

Thank you for playing! We're always working to improve the game and appreciate your feedback. Stay tuned for future updates. 🌟

앱 지원

개발자 소개
Juan Miguel Gonzálvez Craviotto