Hair Tattoo: Barber Salon Game

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 3.04만개
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만 10세 이상
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게임 소개

Hair Tattoo: Barber Salon Game

Become the best barber in the world!

In this exciting barber shop game, you'll get to cut hair, style beards, and give your customers the perfect makeover. Choose from a variety of different hairstyles and beard styles, and use your creativity to make your customers look their best.

Challenge yourself with challenging levels!

As you progress through the game, the challenges will get harder and harder. You'll need to be quick and precise with your cuts, or your customers will walk out of the shop unhappy.

Unlock new tools and products!

As you earn money from your customers, you'll be able to unlock new tools and products to use in your salon. These tools will help you give your customers even better haircuts and beard styles.

Become a master barber!

Can you become the best barber in the world? Challenge yourself with Hair Tattoo: Barber Salon Game and find out!


* Challenging haircut salon barber shop games haircut level!
* Various styling hair tattoo tools like trimmers, scissors, comb, electric razor & much more!
* Chance to become a real barber & show your creativity in hair salon barber shop games!
* Professional inspired products and hair dressers in barber shop games!
* Attractive gameplay and sound effects of hair salon games!
* Let's face all the challenges of barber shop hair salon games.

Download barber shop haircut salon & hair tattoo games. so we can make more barber shops, hair salon games for you.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 9. 24.

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