Sci-Fi Tower Defense Module TD

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 1.56만개
콘텐츠 등급
만 10세 이상
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게임 소개

Are you looking for a tower defense offline game with thrilling td strategy gameplay?
Do you want this td defense to also be an offline game so you can play it anywhere with no data / no wifi?

Try Module TD – the best td game in the td defence genre. Play this best tower defense strategy game with a fun storyline, 80 exciting levels, modules, towers, and more. Our TD game offline features one of the most engaging storylines and customizable td defense strategy among similar defence games.

Brave raccoons who once lived in the beautiful planet of Nahaku are fighting in space. The planet was illuminated by 23 stars, but one of the stars got lost. So now, they are protecting themselves and their race to restore an extinguished star. At the same time, the invaders interfere with them, stealing souls from the core of the base. Show great strategy and base fortress defense skills to help them recover the lost star.

In our td defense offline f2p strategy you can defend using 6 epic towers: Laser, Gauss, Gatling, Rocket, Mortar, Tesla, and 3 extra towers with luxurious appearance. As a tower defense strategy game where your goal is to defend your territory, you need to obstruct the enemy attackers by placing defensive structures on their path of attack. Also, in this strategy sci-fi game you have a space base that must be defended. Each base defense level gives different number of waves with a variety of enemies.

In this td survival, all towers are highly customizable. Play the td tower base defense game and pick from 5 basic elements and 31 sci fi modules making your td strategy unique. It will not be easy, so to overcome incredible odds you need to build a defense with strategy and wit.

Download this 3d tower defense offline game for free and enjoy the most challenging games among best tower defense games. Players say it’s one of the most unparalleled levels of depth seen in sci-fi td games online.

• 80+ levels
• Customize towers to fit your strategic plan
• Plan your actions carefully and adapt to the ever-changing battlefield as the level transform itself during the battle
• Vast amount of modular elements that can give your tower additional unique effects such as income or splash or critical strike.
• Find ultimate defence combos as Modules can amplify each other’s performance
• Enemies have special abilities that can have a devastating effect on your defenses.
• Elements give you special bonuses and perks against certain enemies.
• Change the level layout by building towers on the path of space monsters
• 3 different skills that can give you yet another way to customize your experience.
• Beautiful sci-fi themed fortress defense game graphics
• Achievements - Get rewards and show off your superiority making the best combinations possible!
•Play offline: this an offline / no data / no wifi defense game

So, if you are ready for an epic tower defense strategy, be sure to try this td cool offline game! Explore one of the best tower defence offline games out there and unleash the power of the best tower you can build.

👉Get Sci Fi Tower Defense Offline Game. Base Module TD for free!


We have got everything that makes a great playing experience:
- multiple towers, upgrades, and modules
- best strategy offline elements
- riveting base tower defense sci fi setting.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 6. 13.

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리뷰 1.36만개
Google 사용자
2020년 4월 26일
각 스테이지를 완벽하게 클리어하려면 쉽지는 않은 난이도인만큼 타워를 잘 업그레이드하고 배치해야 합니다. 그만큼 성취감이 좋으며, 직관적인 인터페이스와 깔끔한 그래픽이 인상적이네요. 무과금으로 충분히 재미있게 즐기고 있습니다. 타워에 각종 모듈을 장착하고 빼고 함으로써 커스터마이징하는 재미가 있어요. 디펜스 게임류 여러 개를 해봤지만 과금요소, 완성도, 난이도 등을 고려해볼 때 1티어 게임이라고 할 수 있습니다. 한글 언어도 가능하긴 한데 구글번역인 듯한 게 아쉽긴 하나, 어차피 게임 진행에 영향이 없습니다. 잘 만든 게임이네요.
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Google 사용자
2020년 2월 21일
중독되네요. 현질없이도 적당히 즐길수 있습니다. 적당히 광고클릭해서 에너지 모을수 있고 모듈 조합 변경으로 새로운 전술을 짤수 있어 매력적입니다. 다만, 앱 번역이 엉망입니다. 한글과 영어, 러시아어가 같이 나오네요. 그리고 개체가 많이 나오면 렉이 심해 조금 불편합니다. 그것말고는 훌륭하다 하겠습니다.
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Dylan Powell
2020년 10월 26일
재밌습니다. 모든 타워와 캐슬업그레이드를 다할 필요는 없습니다. 모든 미션 클리어. 다만 중간에 막히긴하는데 접속보상만으로도 해결 가능합니다.
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