Soccer Star 24 Super Football

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 30.4만개
콘텐츠 등급
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게임 소개

Become the best player in the world with our new game, Soccer Star Soccer Games! Start building your own career as a professional and earn a lot of money. You can buy a house, clothes or even a new sports car. Play the brand new game with which you can become the next best one in history.

Flick your finger across the screen and kick the ball! In Soccer Star: Super Soccer Games it is very easy to learn game controls. Prepare your strategy and split defences if you want to win the match. You’ll need good scorers but also a great defence and a goalkeeper.

There are few games like this one with which to become the best one in history building your own career. You can also buy countless houses, cars or different types of clothes in the lifestyle section and feel like a super star.

You will start playing in an amateur championship with dreams of the greatness of being a professional legend. Gradually you will become a professional player. New teams will contact you to play with them in championships. When you are at your fullest, the best teams in the world will want to sign you and you could become a star.

Physical preparers

Defensive tactics
Attack tactics
Balanced tactics

And many common strategies with which you can improve your player abilities for each match. Combining tactics you can achieve incredible skill improvements. Be the hero of your team and immerse yourself in this experience.

With these skills improvements as a player, you will have more possibilities to play in the initial eleven and perform in the first division playing against the best teams in the world full of super star.

If you still have doubts about downloading Soccer Star Super Soccer, we will tell you that we are the creators of the famous saga of games, specialised in making you feel that you play real soccer games.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 8. 10.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 28.4만개
04 jooney
2024년 8월 28일
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