Kids Drawing Games: Coloring

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 947개
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스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지

게임 소개

Kids Drawing Games: Coloring from the Piggy Panda Learning World!

This whimsical drawing and coloring book game is perfect for your preschool champ and kindergarten clever cookies. This kid safe and user friendly game elevates your child’s cognition, motor skills, and helps them thrive with creative ideas.

Suitable for ages one to six, this whiteboard theme game for toddlers and Montessori kids helps you become their first art tutor and spend quality time as they play and learn simultaneously.

What's inside:

✦ Guided Drawing: Children learn to draw on a guided path (step by step) that helps them to draw various shapes and objects.

✦ Wonderful Colors: Use pencil colors, marker, roller brush, and magic paint bucket to color your beautiful drawings.

✦ Adorable Characters: Bring friendly farm animals, sea animals, wild animals, flowers, pets, or your favorite doll to life on every page.

✦ Learning Fun: Discover infant number learning category on a very basic level to help them familiarize with the concept of simple numbers.

✦ Animation Fun: Watch as your child’s creations come to life with exciting character animation at the end of each page. It's like magic!

Features you’ll love:

✦ Tons of Colors: Explore all the colors like purple, green, blue, black, and rainbow color and scribble your imagination.

✦ Farm Animals: Draw & color your favorite farm animals like a horse, bee, sheep, chicken, and a duck in addition to some pet animals like a dog, a cat, or a cute rabbit.

✦ Wild Animals: Lion, hippo, bat, elephant, and bear are some attractions from the Wild Animals category.

✦ Sea Life: Sea Animals category includes a fish, starfish, jellyfish, dolphin, and a crab.

Safe and Secure:

✦ Designed for families with a Parental Gate option.

✦ Compliant with the global and Google Play Policies on Child Safety and COPPA guidelines.

These features make this game a great choice for parents of young kids as this game stimulates visual and auditory senses in children through an engaging and colorful gameplay which helps nourish their sensory development.

So, with just a single press of the finger, start your epic drawing and coloring journey!


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2024. 8. 2.

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리뷰 725개