музыка MP3 Music Player Lite

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881 миң сын-пикир
100 млн+
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Колдонмо тууралуу

чектелген убакыт үчүн акысыз! азыр жүктөп!

MixerBox Player Lite бир ылайык 3-тараптын API кардар сиз YouTube & MP3s бардык бир колдонмодо ичинде музыка & клиптерди ойнотууга жардам берет эмеспи! (Бул MP3 / Video жүктөөчү колдонмо эмес)

This Lite version of the application is optimized for low device's storage memory usage. The size of the app is much smaller than the Pro version - making it a perfect choice for someone who would like to enjoy unlimited music (MV) without using more storage memory usage.

The app's performance of the Lite version is also optimized to better suit the devices of lower screen resolution. Do not hesitate to download this lightweight free music player!

► AUTOMATIC PLAYLIST - Instant personalized playlist from your Facebook Likes and Shares

► FRIENDS' MUSIC DISCOVERY - Discover, play and subscribe to the top playlists among your Facebook friends

►Various TV shows & Movies: Reality shows, Documentary shows, Action movies, Sci-Fi movies, Horror movies...

►Multiple streaming TV channels for you to choose (Fox, NBC, TLC, etc)

► CONTINUOUS PLAY - Play music and videos from various services non-stop, all within one app!

► PLAYLIST-OF-THE-DAY - A new playlist in your pocket, every day

► MILLIONS OF MUSIC VIDEOS - Easily access millions of music videos worldwide, and even performances of unsigned singers

► SYNCHRONIZATION - Automatically sync playlists across all of your devices

This is NOT an official app from the various media services, and this is only an unofficial 3rd-party client that complies with their 3rd party API terms of service. This app is NOT an affiliated nor related product of those services. Per their API developer terms: https://developers.google.com/youtube/terms/branding-guidelines - "You do not need special approval to use YouTube APIs or to promote API functionality in your application" provided that the guidelines are followed.
Besides, there are some television programs (e.g. Liberty Times, GYAO!, Japanese Government Internet TV) are hosted on our own streaming platform (non-YouTube platform) under permission from the respective publishers.

All videos are provided by the public third-party media service YouTube. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and the Digital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).

Since "MixerBox One Player Lite" simply links to content on their service via their 3rd Party Developer API, "MixerBox One Player Lite" does not have any direct control of their content. If there are any content that may infringe upon anyone's copyrights, the following link can be used to report the content:


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at: support@mixerbox.com
Качан жаңырды
2024-ж., 17-авг.

Маалыматтардын коопсуздугу

Коопсуздук дегенде колдонмонун маалыматты кантип топтоп, аны үчүнчү тараптар менен кантип бөлүшө турганын түшүнүү керек. Маалыматтардын купуялыгы жана коопсуздугу колдонмоңуздун иштетилишине, жүргөн аймагыңызга жана курагыңызга жараша болот. Маалыматты иштеп чыгуучу берип, маал-маалы менен жаңырып турат.
Бул колдонмо төмөнкүдөй маалыматтарды үчүнчү тараптар менен бөлүшүшү мүмкүн
Түзмөк же башка идентификаторлор
Бул колдонмо төмөнкүдөй маалыматтарды топтошу мүмкүн
Жеке маалымат жана Түзмөк же башка идентификаторлор
Маалымат шифрленип өткөрүлөт
Маалыматтарды өчүрүүнү сурансаңыз болот

Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

824 миң сын-пикир

Эмне жаңылык

- Fixed prior bugs and problems to help improve music playback experience.
If you have any problems regarding MixerBox, please visit our MixerBox fan page. We will try to reply as soon as possible. Feel free to rate us and leave a comment, so we can better help you!