Flacma - Flashcard Maker

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À propos de l'application

Flacma is a simple and intuitive Flash Card Maker app that lets you create and organize your own flash cards with ease. Whether you're studying for an exam, learning a new language, or just trying to memorize important information, Flacma has got you covered.

With Flacma, you can manage categories and its cards as you need. This app can capture or load image from camera or gallery and use it as card. You can add audio to each card to make them more engaging and memorable. You can edit and delete cards at any time, you can always stay on top of your learning.

Flacma also crop and rotate captured or loaded image. With the built-in cropping tool, you can ensure that your images fit perfectly on your cards.

Besides, when playing the card, you can show or hide card name and on/off the mute functionality to help you check and memorize card name.

Finally, Flacma also has an auto play feature that allows you to sit back and watch your cards play automatically. This is great for reviewing information quickly and efficiently and for reinforcing your memory of important facts.

In short, if you're looking for a simple, flexible and effective way to create and organize your own flash cards, look no further than Flacma. Download it now and start learning more effectively today!
Date de mise à jour
30 yul 2024

Sécurité des données

La sécurité, c'est d'abord comprendre comment les développeurs collectent et partagent vos données. Les pratiques concernant leur confidentialité et leur protection peuvent varier selon votre utilisation, votre région et votre âge. Le développeur a fourni ces informations et peut les modifier ultérieurement.
Cette appli peut partager ces types de données avec des tiers
Appareil ou autres ID
Aucune donnée collectée
En savoir plus sur la manière dont les développeurs déclarent la collecte
Les données sont chiffrées lors de leur transfert


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