We have announced that we will give you the best option to find your rental property in a simple and affordable way without wasting your time and money.
PROVIDER has come up with a solution !! Now finding your place to rent with Provider is much easier.
Finding a Hostel /Room / PG / Flat was a big problem specially for students / Tenants from other city. Additionally, Students face the challenge of paying a brokerage that ends up losing a lot of money. With this, Provider offers a platform that can help you book or post your location in an easy way. Also, Provider has taken into account all the needs of the Student / Tenant & Hostel /PG/Room's Owner and is working to meet the need to have your own home.
Therefore, we have listed the properties and it is your turn to filter your desired home comfortably without having to visit all the property unnecessarily. If you own a home, you can send your property to Provider for free. Just download the Provider app or call directly.
Date de mise à jour
10 stb 2024