Gangster Crime Hero City 3d

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610 atsauksmes
1 milj.+
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Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls
Ekrānuzņēmuma attēls

Par šo spēli

Get ready for an exciting adventure in Gangster Crime Hero City 3D, a super cool street fighting game that's a mix of Kung fu karate and Fighting games. It's like being a hero in a Bodybuilder fighting game and having epic battles in Karate boxing games.

You'll explore the awesome and bustling Miami hero city, which is like a place where heroes and bad guys meet. In this Hero City wrestling game, you'll become a champion and have to fight the bad guys to make the city safe again.

Gangster hero crime is causing trouble in the city, and you're the one who can stop it. In this Hero crime mafia-infested place, you'll use your amazing skills to be the ultimate hero and save the day.

You'll show off your super cool fighting moves in this Fighting game. You'll use Kung fu karate to beat the bad guys and become a real hero. It's like playing Karate boxing games and learning awesome moves.

You'll fight henchmen of crime bosses in epic wrestling game battles, and you can use all your skills to win. Your job is to bring justice to this Miami hero city and stop Gangster hero crime once and for all.

You'll also get to use all sorts of cool weapons, like baseball bats and pistols, in this City wrestling game. There are high-speed car chases and exciting shootouts, making it one of the most fun Bodybuilder fighting games ever.

As you play and get better, you'll become a famous hero in Hero crime mafia circles. You'll be like a legend that makes the bad guys scared. You can even customize your hero and make them look super awesome.

Gangster Crime Hero City 3D has amazing 3D graphics that make you feel like you're in the game. It's not just any game; it's a fantastic adventure where you get to be the hero in this crime-filled city.

Join the fun and show everyone that you're the best hero in Gangster Crime Hero City 3D, where Kung fu karate meets City wrestling game. Download it now and get ready for an incredible adventure where you can be the hero and save the day!
2024. gada 26. jūn.

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580 atsauksmju


-Minor bugs fixed