Learning Games for Toddlers

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За играва

Have you ever noticed how your toddler gets absorbed by an activity they enjoy? Learning Games for Toddlers is free to install and 100% Ad free, leaving your kid’s mind free to absorb early stage education whilst having fun.

Learning Games for Toddlers enables kids learn by completing puzzle tasks, from basic maths to pairing colors and identifying shapes. There are multiple themes and categories to choose from, colorful graphics, soothing sound effects and even joyful background music to bring a smile to your baby or toddler’s face. Once they’re engaged in these educational games, that's when you know that the learning process has begun!

With Learning Games for Toddlers, your baby, toddler or pre-schooler will be able to:
1. Play duck games!
2. Identify shapes, sizes and colors through toddler puzzle play
3. Discover domestic and wild animals by taking care of them in a series of learning games
4. Distinguish between healthy & junk food
5. Play on devices independently in a 100% safe learning environment

And much, much more…

Why Learning Games for Toddlers?
► Sort and match shapes to complete jigsaw puzzles
► Our 15 learning games provide a safe and useful device experience for your baby or 2-4 year old toddler
► Developed and tested by baby development experts
► Designed for safety and convenience with no supervision required
► Parental Gate - code protected sections so that your child doesn’t accidentally change settings or make unwanted purchases
► All settings and outbound links are protected and only accessible for adults
► Available offline and playable without an internet connection
► 100 % Ad free with no annoying interruptions

Who says learning can't be fun?

Please support Learning Games for Toddlers by writing reviews if you like the app or letting us know about any issue or suggestions.

Learning Games for Toddlers is completely free to download.
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Безбедност на податоците

Безбедноста започнува со разбирање како програмерите ги прибираат и споделуваат вашите податоци. Праксата во однос на приватноста и заштитата на податоците може да се разликува според користењето, регионот и вашата возраст. Програмерот ги обезбедил информацииве и може да ги ажурира во иднина.
Не се споделуваат податоци со трети страни
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Може да побарате бришење на податоците
Посветени на следење на „Семејните правила“ на Play

Оцени и рецензии

4,66 илј. рецензија

Што има ново

New Update ► Math for Toddlers. This time, Bebi brings to you new MATH Games for toddlers. Step into the vast world of numbers with our joyful lion cub Bebi, he will guide your toddler in this journey! Enjoy ABC games, Math, Educational Puzzles, Coloring, doodling and more! Enjoy!