Gnovel- reading novels, webfic

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295 рецензии
100 илј.+
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За апликацијава

Gnovel can read anybooks what you are interested in anywhere.

[Many great hundreds of novel categories]
Here are different online complete love stories, like romance, billionaire, fantasy, drama, action, mystery, horror, fine, adventures, urban, thriller, werewolf, vampire, history, and so on. Every person can find the best web novel on Gnovel.

[Personalized reading setting]
The offline environment can set the font, font size, line spacing, night mode and reading background, etc. So that everyone can create their own reading world anytime, anywhere.

[Discover adventure electronic library]
Add high-quality novels that make you happy into your bookshelf, and you can have the world's only exclusive library. Collect your favorite eBooks and create your own book collection.

[EBooks to listen to anytime]
Read and listen to your favorite novels, free hands and eyes, exercise the ability of ears. Let you learn English by immersion and improve your English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills together.

This is a professional reading APP. The development team has created a good reading environment with heart. I hope you can travel in the magical world created by Gnovel and have a reading journey.

Every person can find the best web novel,come to download Gnovel,and will share your family, brother or loves.You can also share your favorite books, reading notes and after reading through snapchat, gain more like-minded friends and attention.
Ажуриранa на
30.5.2023 г.

Безбедност на податоците

Предуслов за безбедност е да знаете како програмерите ги прибираат и споделуваат вашите податоци. Практиките за приватност и безбедност на податоците може да се разликуваат според вашиот начин на користење, регион и возраст. Програмерот ги обезбедил овие информации и може да ги ажурира во иднина.
Не се споделуваат податоци со трети страни
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Не се прибираат податоци
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Оцени и рецензии

292 рецензии

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