Cast to TV: Mirror Screen

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469 рецензии
100 илј.+
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Слика од екранот
Слика од екранот
Слика од екранот
Слика од екранот
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За апликацијава

Mirroring Cast TV is a screen-sharing app, from phone to TV. Connect the phone device to the home TV to watch videos, movies, wedding photos, old songs, birthday memories, and documentaries on the big TV screen. With Mirror Cast, you can watch dramas or films directly on your TV's big screen from your smartphone or tablet.

Setting up Mirror Cast allows you to watch quickly and easily. Mirror casting is the latest technology that allows you to share mobile screens on a bigger TV. the fully-rated app that supports smart TVs.

With one click on the phone, the Mirror Cast app will share the display on the smart TV. Users can link mirror-cast TV screens with mobile to view HD displays.

mirror-casting had a precious advantage for users, to protect their eyes from small phones, and watch favorites on big TV. You can connect your smartphone or tablet to view it on the big display.

Screen mirroring cast has wide connectivity, of view photo slideshow and local video on the big display. TV’s screen caster is the real need and hub of all users for views to use in daily life.
The office files or documents can be seen on the large screen mirror cast tip one button click to ease life.

Key features of the screen mirror-cast TV app:

Screen cast-mirroring:

The compatibility of universal screen mirroring on SMATTV and streaming devices eases access for users.

Media casting display:

The user can cast all types of media, like photos, videos, and documentaries, right from their phone device to a large TV screen, mirroring cast.

Real-time sharing:

Enable a mirror cast to share different types of videos and photos on a big TV screen with friends and family while viewing a lively environment.

User-friendly interface:

Smooth and friendly screencast app, making it accessible at all technical levels for users.
Ажуриранa на

Безбедност на податоците

Безбедноста започнува со разбирање како програмерите ги прибираат и споделуваат вашите податоци. Праксата во однос на приватноста и заштитата на податоците може да се разликува според користењето, регионот и вашата возраст. Програмерот ги обезбедил информацииве и може да ги ажурира во иднина.
Апликацијава може да ги споделува овие типови податоци со трети страни
Уред или други идентификатори
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Оцени и рецензии

446 рецензии

Што има ново

Enhanced user experience
Fixed Crashes