Pippi World :Avatar Life

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11.4 мянга шүүмж
5 сая+
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Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
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Энэ тоглоомын тухай

❣️Welcome to "Pippi World :Avatar Life," an enchanting dollhouse experience where you can join Pippi in her bustling life!❣️
Step into her world and explore a charming hair salon, a busy subway station, a cozy bakery, a trendy clothing store, and her delightful apartment. Immerse yourself in Pippi's daily adventures as you interact with various items and create your very own stories.
【Pippi's Wonder World】
✨"Pippi's Life World" is a delightful dollhouse app that invites you to become part of Pippi's vibrant life. Here, you have the freedom to style your characters, dress them in fashionable outfits and accessories, and craft unique narratives. Pippi's world is your playground, where you can easily manage daily activities like styling, dressing up, dining, and exploring her charming world.
✨Pippi encourages all her friends to embark on their own unique adventures in her world. By tapping or dragging characters and props to different locations, you'll uncover a variety of surprises!

【Explore Different Locations】
🏠Apartment: Welcome to Pippi's home! Here, you can unwind, relax, and engage in various activities. Cook in the kitchen, sleep in the bedroom, or take a hot bath in the bathroom!
👗Clothing Store: This is a fashion paradise! Express yourself boldly, mix and match various styles of clothing, accessories, and jewelry freely! Showcase your fashion talent!
🎀Hair Salon: Ready for a fabulous makeover? Visit the hair salon to choose from a variety of styles and colors. Cut, curl, trim, and accessorize to your heart's content!
🛍️Subway Station: Navigate the bustling subway station, where exciting adventures and encounters await. Will you meet new friends or find hidden treasures on your journey?
🍽️Bakery: During your leisurely afternoons, why not sit down and enjoy some sweets with a cup of afternoon tea? Visit the cozy bakery and savor delicious pastries and aromatic coffee!

【Free Dress Up Fun 】
✨Here, you have the freedom to dress up your characters, clothe them in adorable outfits and accessories, and create their one-of-a-kind stories! Step into the dressing rooms of the clothing store, where you can customize skin tone, hairstyle, facial features, tops, bottoms, dresses, jewelry, handbags, and more — with over 20 individual parts and a selection of over 500 pieces to choose from!
✨Whether it's creating a cute sweetheart, an elegant princess, a vibrant young girl, or a cool chick, you can design any style you like! What's more, you can even design your own characters from scratch! These characters can also experience all the activities in Pippi World :Avatar Life!
❣️Pippi games for kids are designed especially for children. It offers fun educational games for girls and boys to enjoy and experience.❣️
❣️Join Pippi in "Pippi's Life World" and let your imagination run wild as you embark on a captivating journey filled with creativity, exploration, and endless fun!❣️
Шинэчилсэн огноо
2024 оны 7-р сарын 1

Өгөгдлийн аюулгүй байдал

Аюулгүй байдал нь хөгжүүлэгчид таны өгөгдлийг хэрхэн цуглуулж, хуваалцдаг болохыг ойлгохоос эхэлнэ. Өгөгдлийн нууцлал болон аюулгүй байдлын практик нь таны хэрэглээ, бүс нутаг болон наснаас хамаарч харилцан адилгүй байж болно. Хөгжүүлэгч энэ мэдээллийг өгсөн бөгөөд үүнийг цаг хугацааны явцад шинэчилж болно.
Энэ апп эдгээр өгөгдлийн төрлийг гуравдагч талтай хуваалцаж магадгүй
Зураг, видео, Аппын үйл ажиллагаа болон өөр 2
Ямар ч өгөгдөл цуглуулаагүй
Хөгжүүлэгчид цуглуулгыг хэрхэн зарладаг талаар нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
Өгөгдлийг шифрлэдэггүй
Өгөгдлийг устгах боломжгүй

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

9.11 мянга шүүмж
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Би нөгөө тоглоом дээр хаалттай байсан барилагыг нээж чадсаан та нар ч гэсэн нээж чадах байхаа баяртай мал аа
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Энэ танд нэмэр болсон уу?
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Аымар их реклам гардаг бас 4хөн байшинтай байшин барьж болдоггүй ууг нь хөөрөн хүмүүстэй гэхдээ аймар их рекламтай
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Шинэ юм юу байна

1. The supermarket is open on the second floor;
2. Added a new gift shop scene;
3. Optimize user experience and fix known issues.