Swedish Rummy

Зар агуулсанАпп доторх худалдан авалт
49 шүүмж
10 мянга+
Контентын үнэлгээ
Өсвөр насныхан
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг

Энэ тоглоомын тухай


The best 4 players card game swedish rummy is now ready for android mobile phones and tablets with its high-quality graphics and spectacular interface. Download now and play free. You can play swedish rummy in anywhere you want. The main contribution of our game swedish rummy is playing swedish rummy its challenging opponents with Strong AI, classy graphics and smooth gameplay.

Take cards until you have a valid one to play.
Card can be drawable on every turn.
Play new card immediately after the draw.

- Get 25,000 Coins as a Welcome Bonus to swedish rummy, and get even more Coins by collecting your “Daily Bonus” every day!

When a Queen is played, the next player in rotation misses a turn, and the turn passes to the following player. In a two-player game the opponent is skipped and the same player plays again.

Reverse direction
When an Ace is played, the direction of play reverses, becoming anticlockwise if it had been clockwise, or vice versa. In a two-player game an Ace has no effect.

Last Card
Some groups have a special word that must be said by a player when they have just one card left. On the other hand, some groups do not require a player with one card to warn the other players.

- Interactive UI and animations effects to Crazy Eights game.
- Play swedish rummy.
- See how you rank in the list of crazies on the google play Leaderboard.
- Scoring is set. No number-crunching required.
- Compatible with Android phones and tablets.
- Daily Bonus Get Daily Wheel with Crazy Eights game and collect for large tables and Crazy Eights it.

-Get lots of swedish rummy coins with playing on all-time and daily basis.

The name "Swedish Rummy" charts back to the 1940s. The term was coined in the military, designating mentally unstable soldiers. Today, you don't have to have a screw loose in order to enjoy the SWEDISH RUMMY game!e SWEDISH RUMMY game!
Шинэчилсэн огноо
2024 оны 9-р сарын 12

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Аюулгүй байдал нь хөгжүүлэгчид таны өгөгдлийг хэрхэн цуглуулж, хуваалцдаг болохыг ойлгохоос эхэлнэ. Өгөгдлийн нууцлал болон аюулгүй байдлын практик нь таны хэрэглээ, бүс нутаг болон наснаас хамаарч харилцан адилгүй байж болно. Хөгжүүлэгч энэ мэдээллийг өгсөн бөгөөд үүнийг цаг хугацааны явцад шинэчилж болно.
Энэ апп эдгээр өгөгдлийн төрлийг гуравдагч талтай хуваалцаж магадгүй
Аппын үйл ажиллагаа, Аппын мэдээлэл болон гүйцэтгэл, Төхөөрөмж эсвэл бусад ID
Ямар ч өгөгдөл цуглуулаагүй
Хөгжүүлэгчид цуглуулгыг хэрхэн зарладаг талаар нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
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Өгөгдлийг устгах боломжгүй

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

41 шүүмж

Шинэ юм юу байна

- Upgraded new libraries.
- Fixed gameplay issues.
- Added New cards & Uno Gameplay.