Nuts Sort - Color Sort

Zawiera reklamyZakupy w aplikacji
10 tys.+
Ocena treści
Dla wszystkich
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu

Informacje o grze

Step into the captivating world of machinery with "Nuts Sort - Color Sort", a fun puzzle game that lets you explore the joy of putting together and taking apart nuts and bolts. Dive into a virtual workshop filled with all sorts of cool gadgets, each offering a unique puzzle for you to solve. Whether it's sorting nuts by size or racing against the clock to unscrew bolts, each challenge is a test of your problem-solving skills.

Immerse yourself in a soothing experience with ASMR elements that enhance the tactile feel of the game. Enjoy the satisfying clicks, clinks, and whirs as you manipulate the virtual hardware, creating a tranquil background for your mechanical adventures. With easy-to-use controls, eye-catching visuals, and puzzles that gradually get trickier, "Nuts Sort - Color Sort" guarantees hours of enjoyable entertainment. Ideal for both casual players and dedicated puzzle enthusiasts, can you rise to the occasion and become the ultimate maestro of nuts and bolts?
Ostatnia aktualizacja
20 mar 2024

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