DuoTube - dual caption player

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Informacje o aplikacji

DuoTube is a video multi-subtitle player for learning English.
The video's English CC (closed caption) subtitles are machine translated into the user's preferred language, supporting more than 110 languages.

Features of DuoTube: Video multi-subtitle translation language learner
✔️ Instant translation to your preferred language
✔️ Simultaneous output of basic English subtitles and translated subtitles
✔️ Improve English speaking, reading and listening skills
✔️ Translate video captions into over 110 languages ​​worldwide
✔️Intuitive and user-friendly interface
✔️Effective English shadowing training with section repeat function
✔️ Improve English listening skills by adjusting video playback speed
✔️ English/native/dual subtitle selection function
✔️ Add videos to favorites and rewatch them later
✔️ Subtitle translator for Tube
✔️ Learn pronunciation by watching videos and subtitles
✔️ 100% free use of all features at no additional cost

※ How to use
Open the app and post the link to the video you want to learn English from.
Improve your English skills with dual subtitles while playing videos.

※ Restrictions
Not all videos have English subtitles, so only videos with English subtitles can be studied and translated.
The English subtitles are machine translated, so the translation may be awkward.

※ Note
- DuoTube utilizes yt's API source. All free videos are provided by yt service.
- In compliance with the API Terms of Use, we do not provide video caching or downloading.
- You can find more information about yt in the attached link. https://www.youtube.com/t/terms

※ Introduction to Greet Labs
Grit Labs is a one-person developer that develops a variety of free apps to help learn English. We strive to create apps with useful and essential features.
Requests and inquiries: devops0325@gmail.com

※ privacy policy
Ostatnia aktualizacja
29 kwi 2024

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Co nowego

Bug fixes and improvements!