Merge Detective mystery story

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Despre joc

Feel like a true detective in a new game!

Merge Detective is a detective game, in which you will be solving mysteries, investigating real crimes and murders. You will be playing as the girl Nancy and exploring a small town full of mysteries.

You have to uncover all the secrets of the town, find clues, investigate crimes, and find a missing girl before it’s too late! The game is filled to the brim with multiple quests, incredible puzzles, and eerie locations, such as an abandoned mansion, a spooky old house, a police station and a real prison!

As a detective, you have to complete a difficult quest, work with the police, and learn all the secrets of this criminal unsolved case. You will collaborate with the local sheriff to investigate the story together!

Enter the life of Nancy, become a true master detective, and if you are lucky enough – find your love.

Key features:

* Merge - Combine various items and weapons to find all the hidden clues in this crime story.

* Enjoy the twisted plot of this captivating detective story. Nancy will find all the answers to solve the crime!

* Interact with different characters and objects, make choices that will affect the storyline! Solve puzzles and riddles to find hidden clues!

* Follow the mystical story and become a true Detective!

The choice is yours!
Ultima actualizare
16 oct. 2024

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Evaluări și recenzii

1,57 K de recenzii


- Collections added
- Chapter II is now available for everyone!
- Some bugs fixed
- Performance improved