Gemstone Legends: RPG games

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Despre joc

What can be better than a good old RPG game on a sunny day? Gemstone Legends, DUH!

Welcome to the borderless open world of the Empire full of uncharted treasuries, nerve wracking adventures, loyal allies and monstrous enemies! Spice it up with epic match-3 battles in PvP mode and limitless possibilities to level up your heroes. Still not amused? Well, tell it to the dragons of the Empire. They can’t wait to join your alliance or burn it down to ashes…The choice is yours!


Gemstone Legends is an epic fantasy puzzle game with a hint of magic of match-3 mechanics. Recruit the mightiest heroes, level up their skills and create alliances with mages, knights and valiant warriors. Choose the fraction you want to side with to fight for the Glory of the Empire!


To do so you will need to collect your courage, stamina and savvy mindset. Along the way you will face numerous foes to fight, have dozens of quests to solve and a pack of dragons to tame! Use the most cunning strategies to battle in turn-based RPG match-3 combats and beat the deadliest monsters to protect your kingdom!

Challenge other alliances of legendary Heroes in real-time, turn-based puzzle battles. Build strength and learn new tactics to win these challenging match-3 battles! The more battles you win the more precious resources you get on daily missions.
Find allies and play together in a guild. Become a Dragon Rider and join forces with allies to play in a guild. Together you will earn countless treasures!
Go head-to-head with other players to show who’s the boss and earn the title of the one and only Gemstone Legend of the Empire.


Enjoy the vastness of picturesque landscapes. Choose a favourite among dozens of majestic hand-drawn characters with unique features and skills carefully animated by hand of masters.


🗺 Open world RPG campaign maps
🛡 Possibility to exercise your imagination
⚡ Power-ups and magical combos to fight the enemies
⛏ Level up your Heroes and upgrade their key characteristics
🧙‍♂️ Single-player RPG campaign with challenging quests
🎇 Earn amazing rewards throughout the whole game!
🔥 Unleash the dragon's fire-breath and burn your opponents!
🏟 PVP Combat: Battle against other teams to see who’s the best in the Arena! Fight raid legends in guild wars with your team of Heroes!


• Items are available for purchase in this game.
• Gemstone Legends is available in English, Russian, Polish, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Japanese, and Portuguese.
Ultima actualizare
15 mai 2024

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Evaluări și recenzii

11,3 K recenzii
Mihaela Ninu
9 mai 2024
De ce a dispărut teatrul unde puteai urmării reclame pentru obținerea de energie!? Cum ne vom mai juca și cum vom trece de nivele? Credeți că toți suntem dispuși să plătim pentru niște jocuri!? Vreau să îmi spună și mie cineva. Nu meritați nici măcar o stea , păcat de joc
Ai considerat utile aceste informații?
Remus Paul Lazăr
6 mai 2024
Poor loot,heroes,I will uninstall this app.Trash app...lagg ,bugs,duplicates just...garbage
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GameDesire Group
26 iunie 2023
Thank you for your opinion. What can we improve to deserve your 5 stars? Maria
Mihaela Emilia
28 aprilie 2024
Un joc imposibil de jucat. Inamicii aruncă de foarte multe ori că jucatorii tăi nu apuca să mai facă nimic. Luați și jucați voi cei care l-ați inventat să vedem dacă reușiți, mai ales că doar jucând poți câștiga diamante, energie ,etc.Nu merită nici măcar o stea, dar nu puteam trimite recenzia altfel. Păcat de joc că este altceva față de ce am jucat până acum asemănător
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A new update is available! Here is what awaits you:
App loading optimization
3 additional Storages for Heroes
New Prestige levels
New types of Summoning Boosts
Bug fixes and other minor adjustments
Thanks to our players for their suggestions and opinions!