Ninja Beast Warrior

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10 tis.+
Hodnotenie obsahu
Pre všetkých od 10 rokov
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky
Snímka obrazovky

O tejto hre

The jump and run game you will be playing is an action-packed adventure with a captivating story. The main character of the game is a talented ninja who has been sent on a mission to save the world from a threatening danger.

You will play through over 20 challenging levels that will take you through different worlds, including forests, mountains, deserts, and cities. Each world has its own unique environment and a set of enemies that you must defeat.

In addition to regular enemies, you will also have to fight powerful bosses who possess special abilities and attacks. To defeat them, you will need to improve your skills and reactions and exploit the bosses' weaknesses.

The game mechanics are easy to understand but difficult to master. You will need to jump, fight, overcome obstacles, and solve puzzles to progress.

With its stunning graphics, epic music, and captivating story, this jump and run game is an unforgettable adventure that you will want to play again and again. Get ready for an action-packed game where you will save the world as a ninja!
24. 2. 2023

Zabezpečenie údajov

Bezpečnosť sa začína porozumením tomu, ako vývojári zhromažďujú a zdieľajú vaše údaje. Postupy ochrany a zabezpečenia osobných údajov sa môžu líšiť v závislosti od používania, regiónu a veku. Tieto informácie poskytol vývojár a môže ich časom aktualizovať.
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New Levels
Ads Placement fixed