Counting Creatures

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Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit

Rreth këtij aplikacioni

Counting Creatures is the counting game for children aged between 4 and 6. The game uses pictures of real creatures to teach children how to count up to 10. There are also interesting facts to learn about the creatures. Meet Bessie Beetle, Gregory Grasshopper and their friends.

Counting Creatures turns the task of learning to count into a fun game so that children enjoy numbers from an early age.

Children love repetition – they like having the same story read over and over again, so adding up over and over again is fun for them and the variations in numbers and creatures will keep their attention.

Counting creatures has three different ways to count: count the creatures and press the correct number; count the creatures and press the correct word; tap on each insect up to the correct number.

There are screens with various numbers of insects. The user has to count how many there are and press the correct button. The game tells them if they are correct and either lets them try again if they were wrong or gives them another challenge with a different number and type of creature.

Children get a gold star if there answer is correct and a special gold star if they were right the first time.

Children also like learning facts – think of their interest in dinosaurs and how they pick up and remember all the long complicated names. ‘Meet the creatures’ has details of the creatures they encounter when playing the game and this part will encourage this learning.

Try Counting Creatures II - watch out for Gregory Grasshopper - with extra creatures and extra backgrounds, some making the creatures very hard to find. There is also another touch-count screen with two creatures to be counted one after the other. 'How many stars' now gives you your top five scores.
Përditësuar më
16 pri 2013

Siguria e të dhënave

Siguria fillon me njohjen e mënyrës se si i mbledhin dhe i ndajnë zhvilluesit të dhënat e tua. Praktikat për privatësinë dhe sigurinë e të dhënave mund të variojnë bazuar në përdorimin, rajonin dhe moshën tënde. Këto informacione janë dhënë nga zhvilluesi dhe ato mund të përditësohen me kalimin e kohës.
Nuk ndahen të dhëna me palë të treta
Mëso më shumë për mënyrën se si e deklarojnë zhvilluesit ndarjen e të dhënave
Nuk mblidhen të dhëna
Mëso më shumë për mënyrën se si e deklarojnë zhvilluesit mbledhjen e të dhënave
I angazhuar për të respektuar "Politikën për familjet të Play"