USB Simulator 2015: Get it in!

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Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit

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Who hasn't found themselves muttering under their breath in sheer frustration trying to insert a USB stick?

Why does it never seem to go in the first time?

Why do we second guess ourselves every time? Are we holding it the right way, which way is the right way?

Well with USB Simulator 2015, you can finally master the art of USB stick insertion. But BE WARNED. This will not be easy. We could tell you simply line it up and shove it in. But we all know that never works.

Only the most patient and steady of hand will be able to master this craft.

Challenge friends and compete for insertion high scores and achievements.

Let your friends and family know when you get it in. Let them rejoice with you. USB Sim will change your life!

Good luck!


USB Simulator 2015: Get it In! is brought to you by Fluik Entertainment, makers of wicked-fun mobile games such as Office Jerk, Plumber Crack, Streaker and Grumpy Bears. Browse all our games on Google Play -

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To help keep USB Simulator 2015: Get it In! awesome, please send any bug reports or complaints directly to us, instead of posting them in your app reviews. We can reply to app reviews on Google Play, but we're more likely to respond if you post all your bugs or suggestions on our Facebook fan page,, or email them to us at
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19 korr 2023

Siguria e të dhënave

Siguria fillon me njohjen e mënyrës se si i mbledhin dhe i ndajnë zhvilluesit të dhënat e tua. Praktikat për privatësinë dhe sigurinë e të dhënave mund të variojnë bazuar në përdorimin, rajonin dhe moshën tënde. Këto informacione janë dhënë nga zhvilluesi dhe ato mund të përditësohen me kalimin e kohës.
Ky aplikacion mund të ndajë këto lloje të dhënash me palë të treta
Vendndodhja, Aktiviteti i aplikacionit dhe 2 lloje të tjera
Ky aplikacion mund të mbledhë këto lloje të dhënash
Vendndodhja, Aktiviteti i aplikacionit dhe 2 lloje të tjera
Të dhënat janë enkriptuar gjatë transferimit
Të dhënat nuk mund të fshihen

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851 komente

Ç'të reja ka

-Minor game engine update
-Privacy Policy link added in game
-Target API changed to 33
-Misc minor updates and patches

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Rreth zhvilluesit
Fluik Entertainment Inc
1756 Haswell Cove NW Edmonton, AB T6R 3A9 Canada
+1 780-707-7393

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