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Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit

Rreth këtij aplikacioni

The Plegium® app complements the Plegium SMART personal safety products. When you activate your Plegium SMART personal safety device, the Plegium app reacts by immediately and automatically sending text messages to your emergency contacts with a Google Maps link showing your location.

On top of that, upon triggering your Plegium SMART device, the app makes automated phone calls to your emergency contacts. A voice informs them that you are in danger and that they have received a text message showing your location.

Plegium’s personal safety products are globally unparalleled.

Don’t gamble on your personal safety - get the best protection from Plegium®!

Get your device on

***App Features***

- Connects to your Plegium SMART personal safety device

- Sends location text messages to emergency contacts when Plegium SMART device is activated, immediately and automatically

- Makes phone calls to emergency contacts when Plegium SMART device is triggered, immediately and automatically

- Super easy to set up – takes less than a minute!

- Connects automatically to your Plegium SMART device(s) after initial setup

- Add up to 5 emergency contacts to receive the location text messages and phone calls

- Add multiple Plegium SMART devices to the app. Convenient for families, since then anyone can grab any Plegium Smart device and be sure that the app is listening to that device!

- Non-intrusive: Your emergency contacts don’t need the Plegium app, because they receive regular text messages and phone calls. Just let them know that they are one of your emergency contacts, so that they respond to your distress calls.


1. Download the Plegium app.

2. Follow the simple activation steps inside the app.

3. You are now all set!

***IMPORTANT*** The location text messages and phone calls functionalities require the following:

- The Plegium app must be active. It can be in the background and the phone can be locked, but if the app is fully closed (terminated, “killed”), the location text messages and phone calls will not go through.

- The Bluetooth and location services (“location services” means your GPS coordinates) must both be activated on your phone.

- The Plegium app must be allowed to always access the Bluetooth and location services.

- Your Plegium SMART personal safety device must be connected to the Plegium app.

- You must add at least one emergency contact in the Plegium app.
Përditësuar më
16 gush 2024

Siguria e të dhënave

Siguria fillon me njohjen e mënyrës se si i mbledhin dhe i ndajnë zhvilluesit të dhënat e tua. Praktikat për privatësinë dhe sigurinë e të dhënave mund të variojnë bazuar në përdorimin, rajonin dhe moshën tënde. Këto informacione janë dhënë nga zhvilluesi dhe ato mund të përditësohen me kalimin e kohës.
Ky aplikacion mund të ndajë këto lloje të dhënash me palë të treta
Vendndodhja dhe Informacionet personale
Ky aplikacion mund të mbledhë këto lloje të dhënash
Informacionet personale, Kontaktet dhe 2 lloje të tjera
Të dhënat janë enkriptuar gjatë transferimit
Mund të kërkosh që të dhënat të fshihen

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90 komente

Ç'të reja ka

At Plegium, your safety is our top priority.
In this update we have fixed some bugs. Ensuring a smoother app experience.