English Phrasal Verbs

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Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
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Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
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Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit

Rreth këtij aplikacioni

This application is dedicated to one of the most complicated topic in the English language — Phrasal Verbs. There are dozens of rules and nuances in this topic, but we have made maybe the easiest way to deal with it.

When students face a phrasal verb for the first time, they usually do not know how to translate it and then how to use it. The problem occurs rather often because there are more than 10 thousand phrasal verbs in English. That means, that we meet them every day in the spoken and written language.

But at the same time, such a big number does not mean that all of these phrasal verbs are of common usage. The majority of them just rest inside the vocabulary. Native speakers know them but they hardly use them in every day speech.

That is why we have collected phrasal verbs of wide usage. They will help you extend your vocabulary and understand native speakers.

Being the developer, we take much care about our users. We understand clearly that it is not appropriate to give just a list of verbs like all other vocabularies do. It is not comfortable for learning, understanding and practice.

We really believe that learning apps should develop students’ skills in a clear and simple way. That is why you will find a very friendly interface and useful functions inside the app.

We have included 247 phrasal verbs. You can read and learn them in two ways:
— use an alphabetical list and open a card with the verb you do not know;
— swipe each card one by one.

Every card contains a simple explanation and an example of usage. Also every verb is marked separable/inseparable. Students can use bookmarks to form the list of necessary phrasal verbs.

After you have studied the verbs you are able to check your knowledge. We have made up a collection of tests where users are offered to choose the needed phrasal verb or to choose the needed meaning. When you complete a test the app shows you the result and mistakes.

And one of the most important things about our app — it is absolutely free.
Përditësuar më
21 gush 2024

Siguria e të dhënave

Siguria fillon me njohjen e mënyrës se si i mbledhin dhe i ndajnë zhvilluesit të dhënat e tua. Praktikat për privatësinë dhe sigurinë e të dhënave mund të variojnë bazuar në përdorimin, rajonin dhe moshën tënde. Këto informacione janë dhënë nga zhvilluesi dhe ato mund të përditësohen me kalimin e kohës.
Ky aplikacion mund të ndajë këto lloje të dhënash me palë të treta
Informacionet e aplikacioneve dhe cilësia e funksionimit
Nuk mblidhen të dhëna
Mëso më shumë për mënyrën se si e deklarojnë zhvilluesit mbledhjen e të dhënave
Të dhënat janë enkriptuar gjatë transferimit
Të dhënat nuk mund të fshihen

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