Magicabin: Witch's Adventure

Sadrži oglaseKupovine u aplikac.
65,1 hilj. recenzija
1 мил.+
Ocena sadržaja
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana

O ovoj igri

Welcome to the magical world of Magicabin, where you can experience the perfect combination of farm, adventure, magic, and house renovation!
Little witch Ruby received a letter from her father, but actually her parents have been missing for many years... To clear up the truth behind this, please join Ruby, clear the land of your magic farm, grow crops, make magic potions, and explore unknown relics with the magic power of the farm. You can embark on an exploration journey, meet new wizard friends, see a variety of magical creatures, and travel all around the magic world!
It's time to prepare your magic wand, dust off the broom, and set off on your farm in the magical world for an exciting adventure!
Features of Magicabin:
🌱 A farm full of magic. In Magicabin, every inch of land is full of magic, waiting for your exploration. Come and grow a variety of rare plants and harvest magical fruits!
📖 Fascinating story. Travel with Ruby, find the answer to her missing parents, understand the mysterious past behind the wizard family, uncover the story spanning generations in the wizard world, and witness friendship, romance, and surprise!
🔍 Unique adventures. Outside of farm life, there is a vast world waiting for you to explore. With your wizard friends, you can go to the tropical rainforest, or the floating island in the sky, or the island in the polar region, to feel the diverse natural landscape!
🎈 Home design and renovation. Use your creativity, inject magic into every corner, and use thousands of decorations in the game to freely decorate your farm, turning your residence into a masterpiece of magic and charm!
🏴‍☠️ Search for ancient treasures. The magical world hides various secrets and treasures. You can explore the lost pirate ship, or shuttle between relics and islands, find treasures, and then bring them back to your farm!
🐯 Wizards and magical creatures. During the game, you will meet witches and wizards and discover a variety of magical animals. You can invite them to your farm and then host a grand party!
Are you ready? Come to the magical world, experience the simulated farm life of a witch! Magicabin is a farm adventure game and is free forever. Some items in the game can be purchased to speed up your game progress, but they are not necessary for the game.
If you like Magicabin, you can also follow our Facebook page for more game information:
6. 3. 2025.
Dostupno na
Android, Windows*
*Omogućava Intel® tehnologija

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Ocene i recenzije

56,6 hilj. recenzija
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10. mart 2025.
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Šta je novo

- New map is coming soon
- Bugfix