En av Googles användare
One of the best mobile-games I´ve played. Yes, you can pay money to win, but you really don´t have to. This might put people off, but the whole game is around the thrill to grind, upgrade and feel more capable. Paying for shortcuts is just a shot in your own foot. The main campaign is pretty unremarkable and the difficulty can be all over the place. It´s pretty short and the gameplay is not always thrilling. But as a whole, including the grind, it´s visually pleasing, addictive and the controls are really responsive and fun on a touch screen. Unfortunately some research options seem almost not optional, but turns the game in "how it was supposed to be played". The amount of stuff you can see on screen at any time, for axample, or radar resolution. Boring upgrades that cost a lot to max out.
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