SciFi Survivor

Ina matangazoUnunuzi wa ndani ya programu
Maoni elfu 15.1
elfu 500+
Daraja la maudhui
Umri wa miaka 10+
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini

Kuhusu mchezo huu

When the army of space monsters landed on Earth, they destroyed it. As one of the last survivors, you must fight and destroy the undead monsters in order to rebuild a peaceful world. Begin the adventure by attempting to escape while also protecting the last survivors.
Monsters such as the undead are everywhere. They go after humans and attack them. The rescue mission becomes exponentially more difficult, presenting the player with suffocating challenges.
This is a game that combines many different games, such as survival games with adventure games and action games with tower defense games. The entire world is waiting for you to save it.
- Survive among the monsters that surround you
- Use all means to increase your survival time
- The better the item you choose, the better your chances of survival
- Divide the skill sets of each type of hero
- Create a flexible strategy
- Destroy monsters and become the last survivor.
To defeat the undead monsters, touch, hold, and move the hero.
Choose support items to increase your survival time.
Collect as much equipment as possible during the adventure to improve your combat skills.
Ilisasishwa tarehe
21 Jul 2024

Usalama wa data

Usalama huanza kwa kuelewa jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyokusanya na kushiriki data yako. Faragha ya data na mbinu za usalama zinaweza kutofautiana kulingana na matumizi yako, eneo ulilopo na umri wako. Msanidi programu ametoa maelezo haya na anaweza kuyasasisha kadiri muda unavyopita.
Hakuna data inayoshirikiwa na wengine
Pata maelezo zaidi kuhusu jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyobainisha kushiriki data
Hakuna data iliyokusanywa
Pata maelezo zaidi kuhusu jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyobainisha ukusanyaji wa data
Data inasimbwa kwa njia fiche inapotumwa

Ukadiriaji na maoni

Maoni elfu 14.6