100 Years - Life Simulator

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Maoni elfu 146
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Make choices and take charge of your life story. How old can you become in this 3d life simulator game?

Play through all the stages of life from birth in this interactive adventure, from baby to old person. Watch how your game choices affect your digital life! Play your character again and make different game choices to get a different life outcome!

Experience your own interactive story while you encounter love, adventures, high school and more. Become a character in a realistic 3D life simulation game! Play our simulation game from birth all the way to death and experience real life.

Every situation leads you to a new choice: will you cry, or will you get a job when your girlfriend leaves you? Each choice leads you down a new path with all new gameplay. Make wise decisions to navigate your way through real life simulations!

Will you laugh at your classmates in school or help save them from bullying? Will you skip school or go every day? Make the right choices to extend your simulation life and your gameplay!

Play now to experience new stories, fun games & simulations and experience all new crossroads every time you play!
Ilisasishwa tarehe
5 Jun 2024

Usalama wa data

Usalama huanza kwa kuelewa jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyokusanya na kushiriki data yako. Faragha ya data na mbinu za usalama zinaweza kutofautiana kulingana na matumizi yako, eneo ulilopo na umri wako. Msanidi programu ametoa maelezo haya na anaweza kuyasasisha kadiri muda unavyopita.
Programu hii huenda ikashiriki aina hii ya data na watu wengine
Mahali, Shughuli za programu na nyingine2
Programu hii huenda ikakusanya aina hizi za data
Mahali, Shughuli za programu na nyingine2
Data haijasimbwa kwa njia fiche
Unaweza kuomba data hiyo ifutwe

Ukadiriaji na maoni

Maoni elfu 128


Bug fixes