Bulle - Interactive story

elfu 1+
Daraja la maudhui
Kila mtu
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini

Kuhusu mchezo huu

"Stuck in her cinema employee routine, Bulle dreams of adventure through movie posters. When she comes across an offer for a job on the other side of the world, she seizes the opportunity."

Follow Bulle in her new life as a forest ranger in an incredible botanical park !

Bulle is a text-free interactive experience designed for young and old. The game uses several features such as touch screen, gyroscope and accelerometer.

Duration of the game: around 20 minutes.

The game is originally a student project made at CNAM-ENJMIN (Angoulême, FRANCE) in 2021 and selected in the "Rookie" category of the BIC Festival 2021.

The team:
- Laetitia BRUN - 2D Artist
- Julia CLÉMENT - Game Designer
- Yann IMBERT - Composer/Sound Designer
- Clara TOUSSAINT - UX Designer
- Hugo WARION--SAILLANT - Programmer
- Nicolas ZELVELDER - Game Designer
Ilisasishwa tarehe
26 Jul 2021

Usalama wa data

Usalama huanza kwa kuelewa jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyokusanya na kushiriki data yako. Faragha ya data na mbinu za usalama zinaweza kutofautiana kulingana na matumizi yako, eneo ulilopo na umri wako. Msanidi programu ametoa maelezo haya na anaweza kuyasasisha kadiri muda unavyopita.
Hakuna data inayoshirikiwa na wengine
Pata maelezo zaidi kuhusu jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyobainisha kushiriki data
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