elfu 1+
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Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini

Kuhusu mchezo huu

This game is perfect for parties and groups of 3 to 12 people.

In the game, one player takes on the role of the rabbit, who doesn't know the secret word. The other participants take turns naming associations to avoid giving away the secret word to the rabbit, but still make sure they are understood by the other players.

The rabbit's task is to name a word that is similar to the others so as not to give himself away. After everyone has named an association, the participants vote for who they think is the rabbit.

If the majority vote for the right person, and they happen to be the rabbit, then they must name the secret word. If the rabbit guesses correctly, they win. If the rabbit doesn't guess correctly, then the other players win.
Ilisasishwa tarehe
17 Feb 2023

Usalama wa data

Usalama huanza kwa kuelewa jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyokusanya na kushiriki data yako. Faragha ya data na mbinu za usalama zinaweza kutofautiana kulingana na matumizi yako, eneo ulilopo na umri wako. Msanidi programu ametoa maelezo haya na anaweza kuyasasisha kadiri muda unavyopita.
Hakuna data inayoshirikiwa na wengine
Pata maelezo zaidi kuhusu jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyobainisha kushiriki data
Hakuna data iliyokusanywa
Pata maelezo zaidi kuhusu jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyobainisha ukusanyaji wa data