Samsung Signage Mobile

Maoni 174
elfu 50+
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Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini
Picha ya skrini

Kuhusu programu hii

Samsung Signage Mobile is here to make your experience with the Samsung Signage and Flip easier.
First of all, you can connect your phone to Samsung Signage & Flip screen with SmartView+ feature.
You can also Download your Favorite Flip Rolls to your device and access them anytime, anywhere you want. Share those Rolls to others in PDF format, without a need for importing the rolls to a USB.

You can easily connect your phone to the Samsung Signage and Flip screen.
Up to 4 devices can be connected to the screen simultaneously.

Download any Rolls to your Mobile Device in seconds and display them in your screen device in PDF format. Access them anytime, anywhere. and Share your Flip Rolls Creations with others.

• Samsung Signage(QHB, QMB, QBB), Samsung Flip
• Mobile Device with Wi-Fi Connection.
Ilisasishwa tarehe
29 Mac 2024

Usalama wa data

Usalama huanza kwa kuelewa jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyokusanya na kushiriki data yako. Faragha ya data na mbinu za usalama zinaweza kutofautiana kulingana na matumizi yako, eneo ulilopo na umri wako. Msanidi programu ametoa maelezo haya na anaweza kuyasasisha kadiri muda unavyopita.
Hakuna data inayoshirikiwa na wengine
Pata maelezo zaidi kuhusu jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyobainisha kushiriki data
Hakuna data iliyokusanywa
Pata maelezo zaidi kuhusu jinsi wasanidi programu wanavyobainisha ukusanyaji wa data

Ukadiriaji na maoni

Maoni 167


Minor bugs fixed.